Friday, November 21, 2014

LIfe after college

College is the best time of our years. We go through ups and downs but in the end we find who we really are. Like they say all good things must come to an end. I personally enjoyed my college years. Even though there was bumps along the road, I somehow manage to smooth it out. As I am writing this i still cant believe i graduated with my bachelor's at the age of 20. The only thing that can make even more perfect is if i win the lottery! Haha would that be asking for too much? Now that i am done reality hits me that it time for the "real world" whatever that means. Time to pass my boards so i can start working to pay my loans. The joy that fills my heart to know that my first bill is due in less than 2 month.. NOT! Yeah, the college after life is not so glamorous. It's okay though cause i am still young.  Even thought that is not going to last forever, I am going to live my twenties to the fullest.  And i hope you do too!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Making friends at a commuting college

My very first college that i attended was a commuting college. it was about 2 hour ride by train from my house. i didn't mind waking up at 5 am to get ready and catch the 6 o'clock train to get to school by 8. but after a while it got really annoying and sometimes i was really tired and i ended up hating it. so i realize that next trimester i should change my schedule to afternoon classes. 

Making friends in a commuting college is a little bit harder than a dorm college. I am a very friendly, nice, talkitive woman so it was easier for me to make some friends. in a commuting college everyone is minding their own business and they have their headphones on. when class starts no one talk to each other everyone just coming to class and leave when its done. if you want to make some friends, you have to be the one that is taking the first step and asking their name etc...

1- Be the first to approach the human being!!!! DON'T BE AFRAID!! they don't bite.. (maybe) :)
2- Join your college clubs!!!
3- Participate in the student activities that goes on in your college/university.. YOU PAY FOR IT!! GO TO IT!!!
4- Try to have conversations with you classmates. interact with them!
5- if you really want friends go to your school library, hide behind a bookshelf when someone is passing by jump out from your hiding space and say "I WANT YOU TO BE MY FRIEND"! ( LOL just kidding.. don't do it.. haha maybe ).

Monday, January 23, 2012

about my blogs

hi everyone,
today im going to talk about the blogs that i am going to be posting up. i am a random girl that will be talking about random things such as tacos, love, friends, fear, anything that you people want me to talk about. i am open minded and wont judge. so i look forward to you guys and your comments and my blogging.!!!!!!! :):)